The Sourcemap for Cotton Road
Supply chain transparency
The Sourcemap for Cotton Road
The Sourcemap for Cotton Road

Sourcemap: Find out where things come from 

Explore the Cotton Road Sourcemap and trace the global steps of a typical cotton supply chain, from dirt to finished product. 

Sourcemap is a crowd sourced directory of supply chains and carbon footprints. You can explore supply chain maps on the Sourcemap site and sign up for a free account to map an object or product. From lunches to computers, there's a lot to explore. 

We also have a Sourcemap for our Cotton Road t-shirts. If you purchased a shirt and would like us to map your location, drop us an email and ask to be included. 


Supply chain transparency
Supply chain transparency

We believe that supply chain transparency enables citizens (and ultimately brands and companies) to enter into conversation about the ethics and issues surrounding production, consumption, and globalization.


more information will be posted soon. . .