We'd love to hear from you. If you're running a campaign for worker's rights, or if you are an academic or teacher looking for a film that illustrates concepts in the subject areas of globalization, economics, gender, or Asian studies; or if you're just interested in sparking a discussion with your friends about fast fashion or other issues raised in the film-- we'd love to help you find the best way to use Cotton Road. 

Please contact us!

Sign up for our mailing list. We will send a newsletter update about two or three times a year.

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If you are a programmer interested in previewing the film, contact Laura Kissel for a screener.

To schedule a screening of Cotton Road, contact Laura Kissel

For support in planning your Cotton Road screening, contact Coordinator of Outreach and Engagement, Jess Bichler 

Director/Producer: Laura Kissel 
Producer in China:  Li Zhen